You are invited to join us on a free walk and talk about the stunning new Wilfred Owen window at All Saints Church, Dunsden RG4 9PG. Hear about how the window came about and the artist’s inspiration in her design. Why did the war poet come to Dunsden, and what was the great crisis that
All welcome for the first in our series commemorating 100 years since the end of WW1 Prof. Suzanna Rose: ‘From Shellshock to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder’ – Tuesday 10 July Dunsden Village Hall, RG4 9QG at 7.30pm – entry on door, £4 including refreshments. Battle stress has been recognised since the sixth century BC and
All welcome for the second in our series commemorating 100 years since the end of WW1 Inderpal Dhanjal: ‘Indian Soldiers in the Great War’ – Tuesday, 11 September 2018 Dunsden Village Hall, RG4 9QG at 7.30pm – entry on door, £4 including refreshments. Inderpal leads the Legacy of Valour Society (, a national community-based initiative
All welcome for the third in our series commemorating 100 years since the end of WW1 Robin Sanderson and Richard Crompton: ‘Tunnelling for victory in WW1’ – Tuesday 9 October Dunsden Village Hall, RG4 9QG at 7.30pm – entry on door, £4 including refreshments. Robin and Richard are descendants of WW1 tunnellers who have become
Second Lieutenant Wilfred Owen died aged 25 on November 4, 1918 after leading his men in an attempt to cross the Sambre-Oise canal near to the Belgian border. His body lies with 58 of his men in the communal cemetery in the village of Ors. Each year the village holds a ceremony to mark his
All welcome for our final talk in a series commemorating 100 years since the end of WW1 Ruth Tod and Mark Tod, from Henley meeting: ‘Quakers, pacifism and the ‘war to end all wars’ – Tuesday 27 November Dunsden Village Hall, RG4 9QG at 7.30pm – entry on door, £4 including refreshments. ‘War, in our
Henley and Goring Ramblers are leading two circular walks of about five miles around the Dunsden area this month, passing places significant to Wilfred Owen’s time in Dunsden. The first starts from The Shoulder of Mutton in Playhatch on Tuesday June 23rd at 10.30am. The second begins at The Butchers’ Arms, Sonning Common on Tuesday
‘In the English Style’ – a concert of piano & vocal music by English composers Baritone: Nigel Evans-Thompson · Pianist: Matthew Rickard Saturday, 20th June at 7.30pm Christ Church, Jubilee Square, Woking GU21 6YG Nearest car park in Victoria Way, next to Holiday Inn A varied and exciting programme will include piano music (Parry &